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Are you aware that in addition to sex, narcotics, gambling, gaming, and shopping, you can also be addicted to toxic relationships?

  Yes, being addicted to a person is officially a THING: it’s called codependency. Interestingly, there are many commonalities between codependency and being a Highly Sensitive Person (or HSP), specifically in the areas of emotional reactivity and empathy. In simple terms, this means that an HSP is a sucker for fixing someone’s suffering (even if that someone is HIGHLY unsuitable for them) because their heart quite literally goes out to a person in need, and their knee jerk reaction is to want to jump in and RESCUE them. This is the very same hook that reels in a codependent person. As an HSP, you will have become accustomed to being labeled ‘too sensitive’ or ‘dramatic’, and being made to feel...

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— One of the joys – and I use the term loosely – of my job is finding the many, many ways that people try to turn romance, sexual attraction and the lack thereof into something that it’s not. The greatest example, of course, is The Friend Zone: the phantom prison that women exile good, wholesome men into because FUCK YOU PENIS, THAT’S WHY. Of course there is that pesky issue that the Friend Zone doesn’t actually exist. It’s not a case of ladders or a way of keeping men on the hook for nefarious purposes. It’s just one person who doesn’t want to fuck the other, and another person – almost always a guy – who can’t get over...

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