I just wrapped up another session of the AIP Lecture Series, marking two years of teaching this online course, and I’m reminded that one of the (many) benefits of this type of intensive educational experience is the opportunity to:
emphasize the comprehensive and holistic nature of the Autoimmune Protocol; maintain a positive focus on what to eat (rather than perseverate on what to eliminate); dive into the nitty gritty why’s behind, and scientific evidence for, each facet of the protocol; discuss how to troubleshoot and individualize the AIP; and address mindset, balance, and sustainability when it comes to utilizing the AIP as a complementary approach to healing. These topics, of course, are also all covered in detail in my first book, The Paleo Approach, which even after nearly six years since its publication, remains the definitive guide on the Autoimmune Protocol. However, the layering of information with a multimedia approach plus the interactive nature of the AIP Lecture Series...