Recipe for Multi-seeded Fennel-flavoured Challah, recipe by Joan Nathan, from The Recipe by Josh Emett and cookbook & Zabar’s favorite bread knife giveaway
Cookbook review by Tracey Zabar Here is a delightful challah that will amaze your Friday night guests. It’s easy to make—you just have to be around to let the bread rise. How lucky we are to have our friend, Joan Nathan, teach us how to bake this treat. Our favorite marmalade and strawberry jams are the perfect accoutrement for a weekend French toast, made from the leftover challah—if there is any left over! The rest of the book is bursting with recipes for all kinds of food that will keep you cooking for a long time. Try the pizza, gingerbread, and carrot cakes. Our giveaway this week is a copy of The Recipe and Zabar's favorite bread knife. Enter to...