Like most quilters who have been at it for a while, I have acquired lots of scraps. Some might call it “too many”, but I think of it as a fabric library of my past quilt projects. The objective, though, is to use those scraps, and an easy way to do that is with leaders & enders. So, last week I started a leaders & enders project for 2023 and I want to share it with you – maybe we can play at this together! What are leaders & enders? Let’s back up a bit. Exactly what are leaders and enders? They are scraps of fabric that are used at the beginning and ending of sewing. You basically sew off...
One of the keys to living a life of calm and purpose is the art of letting go. If you’d like a more peaceful life, it’s powerful to look at what disturbs that peace, and practice letting go of whatever you’re holding onto that’s causing you anxiety and frustration. If you’d like a life of purposeful focus, it’s powerful to examine what is standing in the way of that … and let go of whatever is blocking you. Letting go can seem quite simple, but it isn’t necessarily easy. We have attachments that we cling to quite tightly, and letting go of them is often something we don’t want to do. In this article, I’ll share the deeper part...
Looking for a simple solution to get stains out of slipcovers? Here’s the BEST TIP to get your slipcovers sparkling clean. Don’t these couches look clean and creamy white? Beautiful and serene. Right? Ummmm. No. Not even close. Those pictures are taken from far away and there are pillows covering up the stains and I’ve flipped the cushions over more times than I can count. Once upon a time the slipcovers were a beautiful off-white. When they showed up at the house the slipcovers were perfect. But then? Life happened. There are kids and parties and Dr. Pepper and pink lemonade and spills and Buddy and his muddy paw prints. I have taken off the slipcovers and washed them and...
Our editors independently select the products we recommend. We may earn a commission on items bought through our links. Listen up! Ear envy is real. Some fellas are able to do an entire workout — jog the track, complete several sets of burpees, and smash an entire round of abs — all without having their earbuds fall out. However, some of us just aren’t as hashtag blessed when it comes to the anatomy of our ears. That means your basic earbuds, as great as they may be, just won’t cut it. That’s right, we’re talking about men afflicted with AirPod envy. Fortunately, earbuds with hooks are the perfect solution because they provide just the right amount of fitted security without...
I have a lot of makeup. There’s my favorite products that are always on rotation, the products I use less frequently but still love, and of course, the constant collection of new products I’m trying out. So it’s really easy for my makeup storage spaces to get crowded and unorganized if I don’t stay on top of it. Makeup collections can get out of hand and unorganized pretty fast. This is definitely the case for me, and I think it’s the case for a lot of women. Between skincare products, makeup, hygiene essentials, and hair tools, the bathroom and its storage areas can easily become a tornado of loose products and tools. Especially if you share a bathroom with your...