Map-Reduce is a universal incremental evaluation strategy, which can schedule and execute any pure function of the individual inputs, provided you reduce the result in an algebraically closed fashion. So that exists. Any others? Well, many sequential/batch p… #BestKeyHooks
InformaGamasutra is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in… #BestKeyHooks
In the year 2000, Big Mouth Billy Bass was inescapable. The animatronic latex fish could be found floppin and singin on the shelves of every major retailer and toy store. It graced the walls of George Bushsoval office and Queen ElizabethsBalmoral castle. It … #BestKeyHooks
Blanck Mass One of this week’s most exciting music news items is that Mr. Bungle are playing reunion shows, and they’re not just any reunion shows. They’re performing the songs from their thrash-inspired 1986 demo The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny, which … #BestKeyHooks