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Securely manage configuration and secrets across environments, servers, and development machines all in one place.
Use a cross-platform UI and developer-friendly CLI to set environment variables, manage access, revert to previous versions, review audit logs, prevent duplication, build automations, and more.

Setup takes minutes. Integrate anywhere.
$ envkey-source -- any-shell-command$ envkey-source -- command # That's it!# That's it! Your command runs with the latest environment variables.
$ es -- ping '$DATABASE_URL' # Use the `es` alias to type less.# `es` alias to type less. # Reference vars in commands.# Reference EnvKey variables in your commands. $ es -w -- ./start-server # Automatically reload.# Automatically reload with the latest environment after a change. $ es -w --rolling -- ./start-server # No-downtime rolling reloads.# Avoid downtime with rolling reloads across all connected processes. $ es -r ./reload-env -- ./start-server # Custom reload logic.# Run custom reload logic after a change. $ eval "$(es)" # Set vars in current shell.# Set your EnvKey variables in the current shell. $ echo $'\n\neval "$(es --hook bash)"\n' >> ~/.bash_profile # Auto-load in any directory.# Auto-load the latest environment when entering a directory. # Works just like direnv. $ es --dot-env > .env $ es --json > .env.json $ es --yaml > .env.yaml $ es --pam > /etc/environment # Easy export to many formats.More examples ˯
Thousands of security-conscious engineers rely on EnvKey.

Uncompromising security.
Enhanced productivity.
Flexible hosting.
Advanced user management.
Open Source
EnvKey is open source under the MIT License.
EnvKey's Cloud and Enterprise Self-Hosted products include commercially licensed server-side extensions for battle-ready infrastructure and advanced user management.
Next Level Data Security
Zero-knowledge end-to-end encryption with out-of-band verification ensures that no host, server, employee, or third party ever has access to your organization's secrets, unless it is specifically granted.
Even if an attacker takes over EnvKey Cloud or your Self-Hosted EnvKey host, your secrets will still be safe.
EnvKey's client-side end-to-end encryption is built with the NaCl cryptography library: a fast, modern, trusted standard.
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